The Churning of The Machine

What is the future of CPA marketing?

like most things Industry related this thing of ours is
predominately driven by influxes and cycles with a sprinkle of
good old fashion Greed.
I mean There will be rough times as with most processes and operations
that involve Catering to, Exploiting, Manipulating and yes even helping
Large groups of people(Survey Takers)... then as one group has been Used or catered to and
saturation starts to set in and just as it seems to make things a bit tougher,
Whoa and behold a FRESH(influx) New group of unfamiliar people
will start to shuffle in.(Cycle)

OK, Now Number 2, and most importantly,
compared to traditional advertising, internet advertising is such a fraction of the cost
that those responsible for those Budgets will continue to utilize this medium as it
widens there bottom line.(GREED)
     Now let me just say this, as with most things of this nature
there will be those who continue to understand how this
thing works,make adjustments where and when need be,
bring enough Versatility to the table ( and not get stuck practicing
one form of any given practice weather it be CPA,PPD,
Black or Whitehat or what have you, not Relying on
1 type of Traffic source, 1 Network, 1 Train of thought)
and will continue to get paid..... BIG!
Then there will be those who will never EVER get it.
and for those folks...Yes, CPA will Die completely!
as for those who have made this thing of ours a Skill-set,
It is only a nestling period - lol
These marketers will ALWAYS use these little setbacks and slowdowns
to refuel,regroup,get re-focused and RE-UP.
Whilst everyone else is sitting around in a convoluted state
dissecting the Fallout describing how Big and hard the boulders are
and how they're gonna smash everyone to bits they'll be that Elite Group
sitting at those oval tables in those Straw Huts looking down
at those boulders..... Assembling the next phase of action!
Those who know how to make this happen know exactly
of what I speak..
Of Course as usual I am being a bit dramatic but I think a
few here can see what I'm laying down here.