Ok Guys after careful consideration
and quite a few request
 I have decided to Create
 a scaled Version you Guys

As you know this Program deals with a certain
One of the best offers out there for what is required
for completion and conversion.

*This offer is 1 Page long.
* I Provide a Step by step Video
on Exactly how this form needs
to be filled for conversion.
* You'll be able to show them this Video.
*Also Included is a Generic Version
just showing them how to fill out the offer
 but is not related to the method
 just in case you choose to blaze your own path with the offer.
* They do not have to spend a penny.
* They will receive some very nice Information
for their submittance.

What you wont get:
*No access to the Training Site
or the on site chat/feedback and support.
but you will get all The material.
In other words you will be On your Own.
*You will not have access to The Members Blog.

What you will Get:

*Main Offer
*Alternate Offer Method and Materials
that lets you  use any offer you want.
* Overview Ebook
*Training dvds
*Text Scripts
*Video scripts
*Audio files

The Cost:
The price of 1 and 1/2 Conversions: 22.50

That means you convert 2 Offers and you have paid
for this and made a few bucks.